Monday, May 15, 2006
Community Service Announcement

Hello Portland Rocks portfolio...
Most of you are aware that Equity Residential grants each of us a Community Service "paid" day as a way to Give Back. We want to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to take advantage of this great benefit. Keep a look out each month in the Portland newsletter for a list of volunteer opportunities. We would also like to invite any of you to submit suggestions of activities that interest you or that you have been involved in.
Coming up August 18-20th Easter Seal volunteers it's efforts to support the LPGA golf tournament. A group of managers participated in this last year serving drinks and working the concession stands. We will be participating again this year and would like to get a count of people that may want to volunteer this year. Please e-mail either Lori Francoso at or Julia Riccetti at if you think this is something you would like to take part in. We will have more detailed information on this event as it comes closer and we have an estimated count of participants.
We look forward to any feedback or suggestions you may have. Have a great weekend.."lease 'em up!!" and a fabulous upcoming week!
*Please make sure this information is relayed to your teams.
Thank you-
Julia Riccetti and Lori Francoso