Friday, May 05, 2006
Portland, OR. - PSF Project Idea going to the next level!

Following is an excerpt from an email sent by Susan Crouse to Traci Blevans...WOW, way to go Traci and Shelli!!!
Hi, Traci:
I met with Diane yesterday and I have some feedback to share with you about your resident handbook. Thanks for your patience!
This is a great idea and we think it could be a very effective marketing piece. Your organization of information in a guide book format is definitely on the right track. Our marketing directive is that we can only use professional marketing materials that have been created by our corporate marketing department and/or are obtained through Benson Media -- pieces such as brochures, flyers, signs, mailers and booklets such as your guide book. We will ultimately need Fred Tuomi's approval before we can put it in each apartment for new residents.