Friday, June 09, 2006
Portland, OR MASTER MIND Entry

Stephanie Ogan and Pete Allen of Country Gables and The Cove have come up with a Master Mind INSANELY GREAT IDEA!
Secret Shops for Maintenance Technicians/Supervisors
Problem Idea Addresses: Awarding Maintenance Techs appropriately. Given a way to rate MT's/Sup's as you would secret shop an LC, AM or PM.
Idea Description: Residents would be selected to participate in a secret shop program with MT's/Sup's. Residents would call a service request with No PTE, they would follow them through the process; from calling to set up an appt., actual work done in apt., was it left clean, did someone follow up, etc... They would then be scored similar to the way you score an LC.
Expected Results: Better way to evaluate MT's to make sure expectations are being met & as a tangible scoring matrix for awards and performance reviews.