Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Portland, OR May 23, 2006 The Maintenance Teams Rally

It surely was an INSANELY GREAT Day!!! Maintenance Talent from as far away as Vancouver Washington Rallied at LaSalle's Bellacourt Training Center.
The Day began with Rosanna Thomas preparing a most famous breakfast chalk full of bacon, eggs and the most delectable pastries this side of the Cascades. Late comers paid the price of admission by missing out on that part of the menu. Rosanna, as usual, OUR Portland HATS are OFF to you! You truly do make a Dramatic Difference!
The days event was organized by the Portland Awards Committee. Formed in February and given the charge to bring energy, charisma and most of all recognition to our Field of Talent, they certainly set the bar.
Activities began with a form of "The Dating Game." Three of our finest MT's were quizzed by Wendy Allen on how well they knew their MS's. The Sup's were locked securely in a separate room only to be released and quizzed on the very same questions. The responses were hilarious and the event ended with Shaun Petote and John Sizemore walking away with McDonald's GC's! NICE!
To top the hour off a form of jeopardy was played using "Answers" from the MAPPS book. "Answers" were given and each of the pre-selected teams would bark out their self proclaimed team name as indication they knew the answer! It was comedy central, not to mention educational in nature. I have to admit I learned a thing or two!
To end Certificates of appreciation were handed out! (See the next 11 posts for the details)
All told it was a Banner Day for a truly DISRUPTIVE Group of stellar Talent! They are The Reason Portland Rocks!