Friday, July 28, 2006
Breaking News- Misty puts a twist on Diversity Exercise!

From: Misty Johnston
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2006 1:01 PM
To: Mike Brewer
Subject: Diversity exc
Hey, I did the "Communication" what's your style exercise with my team today. I did it a little differently than it called for, but at the end our discussion I had them rate me(I left the room). I wanted to see if my impression of how I communicate is consistent with how my team sees me. It was very interesting. One of the things that really popped out at me was that for the most part, everyone percieves that I am on the "louder" side(when speaking), that I am not a very "touchy" person(meaning I don't physically touch people very often), that I have very good eye contact, and my pace is what they consider "rapid fire".
Food for week, I am going to give those who want to step up and have the same thing done an opportunity too. Interested to see who raises their hand and wants to be aware of what their peers are thinking of how they communicate.