Monday, September 25, 2006
Misty from Kempton Downs- Mastermind idea

From: Misty Johnston Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 2:30 PMTo: Mike BrewerSubject: Not sure if this is a mastermind
But a great thought. We know that selling the company is at times an area we struggle in(not sure why:o). But, I had toured a couple of prospects 6-9 months ago(who ended up leasing an apartment and still lives at Kempton). Their goal was to own a home in the future and she said to me- you know this apartment is about $75 more than we wanted to spend on an apartment, but with the 20% that we are saving towards a house(The RWE credits), we're not REALLY paying $600 for this apartment, we are only spending $480 if you look at it as that $120(20%) is going in somewhat of a savings account for us to buy our very 1st home in a couple of years...........
To me, that was an awesome way to Sell the Company- and I didn't even do it!! A prospect did :o)
You can be assured that I use that illustration to sell the company(Rent with Equity Program) whenever I get the chance!!