Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Portland OR- Insanely Great Maintenace Rally

Country Gables- Eric Spangler started at Country Gables at the beginning of 2005. In the Maintenance Supervisor was off property, Eric stepped up to assist with scheduling, ordering, and other tasks as needed. He was recently promoted to Maintenance Supervisor here at Country Gables. All of his co-workers have been very supportive and encouraged the promotion. Eric brings his knowledge, dedication, and organization to this team! Go Eric and Thank you for all that you do!

Portland OR -Mystery Shop Scores by Prop

Listed in no particular order:


CP:       72%

CBT:    67%

CBG:    68%

CG:      95%

TC:       74%

KD:      94%

LS:       83%

MC:      93%

PLD:    81%

TT:       64%


Portfolio: 79%

Denver: 82%

EQR: 78%


INSANELY GREAT KUDOS: Country Gables, Kempton Downs and Meadowcreek!!!! You Rock and You Receive!!!


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Wednesday, May 24, 2006




I must say THANK YOU!  You are an inspiration!  There is so much about you that I admire.  First off, you say what you think and I think that is great!  You take the time to Thank people by sending them cards (you have sent me two-and I greatly appreciate it).  You offer to cook for a large group of people.  You listen to people when they need an ear (as I did this morning) and yet you seem to get everything done.  You keep us organized and on track.  From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  You have made an everlasting impression on me!  Thank you for all that you do!


Stephanie Ogan


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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Portland OR- Jessica Alexander scores a PERFECT 100%

Insanely Great Focus! Nice work Jessica, thank for making a dramatic difference by dialing in on the fundamentals! YOU ROCK!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Portland OR- Eric Spangler Promoted!!! Nice!

Eric has been in the Maintenance industry for 12 years. Prior to starting with Equity, he owned his own business for 5.5 years. He started with Equity in September of 2000 and worked as a Maintenance Engineer for 2 years. He has been at Country Gables for over a year. The team is very excited and supportive of his new endeavor!WAY TO GO ERIC!!! YOU ROCK!

FW: elevate the marshmallow

Another in the many Insanely Great team building experiences Julia Riccetti provides for her teams at CBT and TT.


From: Julia Riccetti
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 1:51 PM
To: Mike Brewer
Subject: RE: elevate the marshmallow


Chubby bunny...You get partnered up. You put as many marshmallows you can fit in your mouth and talk to your partner.  When you get to a point where your partner can't understand you, you have to stop count how many you have in your month who ever has the most wins.  Kind of gross though causes some drooling.  Ha-ha.



Suspend As Many Marshmallows In The Air As Possible**

Set Up

Gather the materials listed below and place them in a box. Provide an area in which team can work. Read the list of construction materials and the team instructions out loud to the team.

Construction Materials

5' length of string
1 bag of large marshmallows
10 rubber bands
5 straws
10 toothpicks


Posted by Hello

Team Instructions

You have two minutes to devise a method to hold as many marshmallows as possible above ground level. No team member is to be in direct contact with any marshmallows during the scoring process. Scoring begins at the end of the two minute building time. You will receive up to ten points each for creativity, cooperation and communication. You will also earn one bonus point for each successfully suspended marshmallow.

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Portland OR- Insanely Great Leadership Library and HERO Album open for ACTIVITY.

The Insanely Great Leadership Library is NOW OPEN. The Library contains a number of INSANELY GREAT reads by various author's. Books are being donated by the likes of Jonakan O'steen, Mike Brewer, Stephanie Ogan, Delora Warren and Rosanna Thomas just to name a few.

Please contact Rosanna for information on how to CHECK out and or donate books.

Also, we are proud to announce the creation (thank you Rosanna for all your hard work and effort) of the BREATHTAKING HERO Album! Our own flavor and WAY of edifying the HERO'S OF CUSTOMER SERVICE! Selections will be read from the book at every function going forward, in honor of our HERO'S.

Do you want to be a HERO? All you have to do is make a DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE by providing INSANELY GREAT SERVICE to our CUSTOMERS. In other words DELIVER BIG ON OUR CUSTOMER COMMITMENTS! If they then write you a letter, card or otherwise, send it to Mike or Rosanna and we will get it in the book.

Just another way we are working to put OUR DENT IN THE EQUITY UNIVERSE!

Portland, Or. - Manuel Ruiz-Novelo recognized as Employee of the Month!!

¿Oye, Manuel por favor soporte arriba?
Tanasbourne Terraces' very own Manuel was selected as the EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH: APRIL. Manuel was edified for his willingness to GO THE EXTRA MILE in our COMMITMENT TO OUR CUSTOMER and his LOCAMENTE GRAN ATTITUDE. Da las gracias y las Felicitaciones!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Portland OR- Rolling out the welcome mat to some BRAND NEW TALENT!

Sarah recently started as a leasing consultant at Club at Tanasbourne. She relocated from the Eugene area where she was raised and held a job as a administrative assistant at a local optical center. Sarah has her certification as a medical assistant from Pioneer Pacific College.

Sarah has already shown her commitment to customer service and her determination for success in her short time with us. Sarah always has a smile on her face and an upbeat attitude. I look forward to celebrating her future success with Equity Residential. Welcome, we are all excited to have you on our team.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Portland, OR- Congrats, Mishell, for being Employee of the Month for February 06!

Portland, OR- Congrats, John, for being Employee of the Month for January 06!

Portland, OR- Congrats, Clint, as Employee of the Month for December 05'!

Portland, OR- J'Mir Delaughn scores a 97% on recent shop!

Portland, OR. -J'Mir Delaughn ROCKS Portland with a 97% SHOP! Way to go J'Mir!!! Thanks for the INSANELY GREAT performance and keep up the GREAT work! M

Portland OR- Never hurts to have a little fun!

Manuel takes time out to follow up on his Customer Commitments! Check out that phone! Thanks for ENJOYING THE RIDE!

Portland Or- Chris ROCK's Certified Rent Readies

Given charge over Club at Tan and Tan Terrace, Chris has made short order of propelling his team to the top spot in CRR's! INSANELY GREAT FOCUS, Chris and TEAMS!!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Jerry, for 15 years with Equity!!!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Rheba, for 11 years with Equity!!!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Misty, for 10 years with Equity!!!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Ansley, for 1 year with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Shelli, for 3 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Josh, for 4 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Chris, for 3 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Mykola, for 2 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Davina, for 2 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Gideon, for 5 years with Equity!

Porland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Brenda, for 2 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Roland, for 3 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Jose, for 1 year with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Miekhael, for 2 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Stephanie, for 6 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Maria, for 8 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Ryan, for 5 years with Equity!

Portland, OR- Happy Anniversary, Jason, for 1 year with Equity!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Portland OR- Jani Piland Scores a 96% on recent shop!

Portland, OR. -Jani Piland ROCKS Portland with a 96% SHOP! Way to go Jani!!! Thanks for the INSANELY GREAT performance and keep up the GREAT work! M

Community Service Announcement

Hello Portland Rocks portfolio...
Most of you are aware that Equity Residential grants each of us a Community Service "paid" day as a way to Give Back. We want to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to take advantage of this great benefit. Keep a look out each month in the Portland newsletter for a list of volunteer opportunities. We would also like to invite any of you to submit suggestions of activities that interest you or that you have been involved in.
Coming up August 18-20th Easter Seal volunteers it's efforts to support the LPGA golf tournament. A group of managers participated in this last year serving drinks and working the concession stands. We will be participating again this year and would like to get a count of people that may want to volunteer this year. Please e-mail either Lori Francoso at or Julia Riccetti at if you think this is something you would like to take part in. We will have more detailed information on this event as it comes closer and we have an estimated count of participants.
We look forward to any feedback or suggestions you may have. Have a great weekend.."lease 'em up!!" and a fabulous upcoming week!
*Please make sure this information is relayed to your teams.
Thank you-
Julia Riccetti and Lori Francoso

Meadowcreek ROCKS

A recent email from Traci to her TEAM! Way to SHARE THE SPOTLIGHT!


Hello All,


I wanted you to know that you ROCK.  We are 97% occupied and 5.3% LTL.  If that was not enough, on the last ROR we were 106% above in our May Rental Income, that is $10,883 above budget.  We renewed 63.64% in April and 50% in May.  I am sure I can go on and on. 


Thank you for working so hard and focusing every day.  The whole team at Meadowcreek is why PORTLAND ROCKS and ROCKS!!!


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Portland SCORES with .47 elead response time!!!

What an AMAZING EFFORT! Thank you for your tremendous FOCUS on just one of our many CUSTOMER COMMITMENTS!!

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Monday, May 08, 2006

Portland OR- Shelli Burnham scores a PERFECT 100%

WALKING THE PERFECT TALK! It speaks volumes when the Property Manager scores a perfect SHOP! WELL DONE!

Portland OR- Jennifer McNair scores a PERFECT 100%

WOW! INSANELY GREAT PERFORMANCE! Jennifer scores 100% on her recent SHOP! Way to Walk the TALK!!!

Portland OR- J'Mir (Talkin' Big)

From: J'mir DelaughnSent: Sat 5/6/2006 6:27 PMTo: Nola Thrasher; Nikki TurnerCc: Stephanie OganSubject: GREAT WEEK OF LEASING

Wow! OUR NUMBERS ARE AMAZING! Forget Portland rocks....COUNTRY GABLES ROCKS! Thank you ladies for an incredible week of leasing. Stephanie and I appreciate your hard work!

J'mir Delaughn
Assistant Property Manager
Country Gables Apartments
14900 SW Scholls Ferry rd
Beaverton Or. 97007
503-579-4141 office
503-579-4303 fax

Great SHOP -Tovia Cuty

Portland OR- Tovia Cuty scores 94% on recent shop. Way to go!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Portland, OR. - PSF Project Idea going to the next level!

Following is an excerpt from an email sent by Susan Crouse to Traci Blevans...WOW, way to go Traci and Shelli!!!

Hi, Traci:

I met with Diane yesterday and I have some feedback to share with you about your resident handbook. Thanks for your patience!

This is a great idea and we think it could be a very effective marketing piece. Your organization of information in a guide book format is definitely on the right track. Our marketing directive is that we can only use professional marketing materials that have been created by our corporate marketing department and/or are obtained through Benson Media -- pieces such as brochures, flyers, signs, mailers and booklets such as your guide book. We will ultimately need Fred Tuomi's approval before we can put it in each apartment for new residents.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Portland, Or. - Stephanie Ogan recognized as Employee of the Month!!

Stephanie Ogan has been awarded Employee of the Month for March 2006.
Stephanie was recognized for her Insanely Great Efforts and Creative Expression. She has used both to put together new and exciting ways to teach and train both new hires and seasoned employees. All that while keeping her property 95%+ occupied!!! Thank you for being a DRAMATIC DIFFERENCE MAKER Stephanie!

She is pictured here (in red) with her team at Country Gables.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Kollin Robbins Mastermind idea 5-2-06

From: Kollin Robbins
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 9:46 AM
To: Mike Brewer
Subject: Mastermind
I sent in a mastermind idea for On-Call maintenance parking passes.
This would avoid unnecessary tows and fines to the people on call. We
would notify the tow company to look for it before towing or fining. I
know it has happened several times, even to me. Luckily I knew the tow
driver and was not towed. This would just be something to stick in your
window or hang from your mirror that would have the property name and
say on call maintenance or something, and be passed with the pager.
Possibly two passes, one for the backup person.
Kollin Robbins
Maintenance Supervisor
Meadow Creek Apartments
Phone (503) 590-0990
Fax (503) 590-4284

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